Friday, June 18, 2010

Conversation - a real Saviour of life

Only yesterday I was having a serious discussion with my colleague in the cab on the way to the office... My office is nearly 25 KMs away from my home and it takes 1 hour 30 minutes approx. on a bad day and almost all days are bad with some worst days giving a break for the bad days. With the ever increasing traffic, I wonder if a day would come in future when traveling the same distance would take even half a day!!! Anyway... my conversation or discussion with my colleague (a senior) was one of the best I had had in the recent times.

We discussed in length about people, children, parents and their way of upbringing their kids, the right and the wrong they do, etc. etc. I shared many of my experiences and he too did the same. At the end, when I reached office, I felt happy and relieved in a way to know that I am not alone in this world and there are others who too think like I do!!!

The conversation actually started with me teaching him some Kannada words. My colleague is not a Kannadiga (meaning to say, he doesn't know Kannada) and he is trying hard to learn it. Daily he learns a couple of words and at times he learns 3-4 sentences. And yesterday, the talk silently moved from learning to chatting to discussing about some of the serious stuffs like understanding children and helping them grow in this world.

We both are of the opinion that we as parents (of course I am not married and do not have a kid yet but have a nephew who is nearing 3 years. So I am taking the position of a guardian :D) is the main reason for the downfall of a child. These days just to keep up with the competition (to buy the latest and the costliest things as possible and also to have a ultra luxury life), both husband and wife start earning. So they end up taking lot of loans may be to make a home or buy a car or even to travel across the world. When the wife gives birth to a kid, the husband will be in a lot of pressure to perform better than the best so that the new addition in the family doesn't reduce his performance and hence doesn't affect his total income. If it does happen then the baby is directly blamed and also the family will be put into a lot of pressure.

Well one might take different actions in these kind of scenarios, but the matter of discussion was how do these both-the-parents-earning family deal with the child's growth! The child will be spoilt with money and loads of stuff he doesn't need but wants just to show off to his friends who are also in the same position. Since weekends are the only days parents actually get to spend time with the children, they pamper them with blind love and may be also by buying them costly unwanted things, taking them to restaurants, malls, movies, etc. What we are actually doing is teaching the child that with money we can do all these things. But what the child misses is that he doesn't understand the pain that has gone through in earning that money and also he will never understand what caring and loving is all about.

.... To be continued... Loads of things to come up.

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