Thursday, April 28, 2011

Poster - Anna Hazare in Mysore and Bangalore in May 2011

As mentioned in my previous post - Anna Hazare will be in Bangalore on 6th of May 2011. Here is the poster containing the same information... Do pass the same on to everybody you know to take part in this event against corruption...

Let us kick Corruption out of India... Let us save India from Politicians.

Find more information about the event here or here

Poster: Anna Hazare in Bangalore
PS. Except the posters, the rest of the words written over here in this post and all the other posts, except otherwise mentioned, are my own. They do not hold any person, institute, or organization responsible for anything mentioned here.

Also, this movement is not against any single political party. But it is a national movement to only save India and its citizens from the jaws of the biggest monster (aka Corruption) Mother India has seen in the recent days of her existence in this world.

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