Monday, March 26, 2012

Love, at last revealed!

It's been a long time since I have posted anything over here in my blog. Not that I didn't want to, but I couldn't! Call me crazy, lazy or anything you want, I just couldn't write a clean blog post on several topics I'd wanted to. :( But TODAY is a very important day of my life and I just DO NOT want to waste the opportunity by writing nothing about the day that it was!

Today, the 25th day of March, 2012 is a day to be written in red letters in my life. For today is the day I ultimately dared to propose my long time friend, love-crush, Ms N. You can also say that I only revealed to her about my feelings and the love I have towards her without actually knowing anything about how N feels about me. Nevertheless, I am feeling so very much in Love now! N could totally understand my feelings. But I felt she wanted to tell me about something which she couldn't tell today. But I am hoping that in a few days' time she tells me something that I am dying to hear from her, wanting to hear from her though all my senses have no belief in this hope thingy!  To a person who had gone out without any expectations but to have returned home with a smile and hope of making someone he has so dearly loved for so long his own and forever is a thing to be cherished for a long time. I shall surely enjoy this sweet moment for as long as possible, by protecting and nurturing it to the best of my abilities. :)

Oh Boy! I am feeling so much in Love today! I just love the day, the night, the air, the light, the language, the letters and words that make up the language, the nature, the world, the universe. I LOVE YOU, N.

What I did today has been the bravest thing I have ever done in my life till now! Just a few years back, I used to fear appreciating a person who truly deserved it. But today I am happy I have told N that I love her.

N is a very sweet girl. There are many simple things that I have liked in her. For e.g. I like her complaining when the coffee is too hot and when the same coffee turns cold after a while! I like her for her interests in movies, food and friends. I like her for narrating her life's bad experiences in a funny manner that brings about a smile on the face of the person listening to it. I like her when she, instead of telling the end of the story she is narrating from past 15-20 min, tells "...actually, I do not know the end of the story as I used to sleep-off by the time my grand mother finish narrating the story to me when I was a kid...(giggles)".

I also like her for the complex modern woman she is. N is witty, beautiful for me (;-)) and at the same time she is a responsible person and a dutiful daughter to her parents. She is intelligent and a good story teller ;-) At times I feel that she is a living drama queen since it seems to me that a lot of drama is involved in whatever she does! She is also empathetic and can read and understand a friend's mind without asking much questions! And she is also a little dumbo at times!:D

N is, for me, a 100% package who is everything I'd ever expected from my life partner + some cream and chocolate + some nutty toppings + a cherry at the top :D

My vocabulary doesn't allow me to write more than what I have already written over here without repetition of words, sentences and meaning. But my feelings towards N are 100% natural and unique and I feel no language ever created by a man can be enough to express them!

Here is a very beautiful song from movie Manasaare which is apt for the way I feeling now! The lyrics for the song can be found here.

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