Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A trip to Kudremukha - Execution 2

The route to hanuman gunDi (ಹನುಮಾನ್ ಗುಂಡಿ ಜಲಪಾತ) falls is a scenic one. The road is constructed on a valley and due to frequent raining  for a few months now, the surrounding was lush green with breathtaking scenic spots. On the way to hanuman gunDi falls we got down a couple of times from the cab to take pictures of the beautiful scenery in front of us.

hanuman gunDi falls
hanuman gunDi falls is an exotic locale which is just a few kilometers from the Sringeri town. One can find a board directing the people about the falls when we travel from Singeri towards Kudremukha though the entrance to the falls is right next to the main road. The falls is formed by the water falling from a height of nearly 100 feet. And it is maintained by the forest department . So the entrance fee to the water falls was Rs 30.00/- per person, which I feel is quite OK. Also the place is well maintained, though the tourists aren't worried much about maintaining the same.

We spent nearly 1 to 2 hours at hanuman gunDi falls, though we didn't get into water or even wet ourselves a little bit!! Guess this is just another reason for all of us to visit this place once again in the future... :) To go near the water, one has to climb down the stairs. I'd like to caution the weak people against getting down since the path is quite steep and might seem to be dangerous too. Nevertheless at certain places, small concrete benches have been laid out for one to take rest.
Full view of the water falls
After climbing up we bought cut-pieces of pineapple fruit (locally called as parangi - ಪರಂಗಿ) Don't know if it was hunger or if the fruit was really tasty, but we felt we had had the finest pineapple of our life until then. A plate of pineapple containing nearly 7 or 8 thin slices of the fruit cost Rs. 10.00/-. We had, probably, 5 plates of the same and then started moving towards our next destination - gangamoola (ಗಂಗಾಮೂಲ).

gangamoola is said to be the birthplace of 3 rivers namely tunga (ತುಂಗಾ), bhadra (ಭದ್ರ) and nethravathi (ನೇತ್ರಾವತಿ) though we couldn't find the any proof for the same. It is again on the way to kudremukha from sringeri after hanuman gunDi falls. The actual place is a kilometer from the main road and one has to walk the entire distance from the main road.  The path is a scenic grassland and a photographer's paradise. If you are a photographer and dying to take a panoramic photograph, then this can be your best opportunity. Try it once and you will never repent. But don't forget to take your tripod! ;)
Milestone directing the travelers to gangamoola

We do not know what we saw was actually gangamoola or there was something else much above our reach. We saw a huge rock and some water under it. Since we were already hungry and didn't have enough energy to climb further, we took photos of the same and returned to our vehicle. We went to our next destination - Lakya Dam.

Our itinerary had "Jamalabad fort" too. But it was strange to know that none of the locals knew or had any information about this famous fort built by Tipu Sultan. We asked quite a lot of them and each one replied the same. They haven't seen any fort in the area, and they haven't heard of anybody ask for it before. One person even went on to say that Tipu had built only one fort which is in Mysore. Little did he know that Tipu had built several forts and most of us had already seen at least 4-5 of them in and around Bangalore and Mysore. With no help available we had to drop this place from our list and move towards Lakya Dam.

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