Thursday, March 3, 2011

Visa Card Advertisement - Bad example to promote the product

I am a strong believer in the power of advertisements... It is, according to me, the second best thing that helps in increasing the sales... the first best one being the exchange of words through mouth...

But at times the advertisements are totally illogical like the one on Visa Debit card.

The Ad concept: A person goes to an auto-rickshaw and asks the driver to take him to the nearest ATM (Cash point). But the driver says he doesn't take anybody to the ATM. So also all the drivers waiting for the customers in the auto-stand. The first auto driver (Vinay Patak) says that it is a waste of time to go to an ATM, instead one can go directly to shops, movies, malls and use the Visa debit card directly.

See this video.. and then read my comments below it.

Though the basic idea about the product (Visa debit card) is good, the usage of auto-rickshaw to denote the same was a bad idea. Why?

The reason is pretty simple... In India many a shop vendors still don't accept debit/credit cards and not even food coupons (like Sudexo, Ticket Restaurant, etc.). In fact even the city buses, auto-rickshaw drivers and many a taxi drivers don't accept cards for payment. The hard cash is the preferred means of payment. In this Ad, usage of auto-rickshaw was a bad idea since the customer wouldn't be possible to pay the driver through his visa card, though he could use the same to buy stuffs from bigger shops, malls, theatres, etc.

In short, according to me, the total impact of the advertisement on the prospective customers is infinitesimal. The Ad-makers should get creative enough and think of a better way to explain why one should go for plastic money.

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