Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My views on Rahul Gandhi's public speech in UP

Before writing anything further let me clear myself - I am neither against any particular person, India National Congress nor working for any other political party in India. In-fact I hate politics and anybody and everybody associated with it. Though I avoid talking about politics and politicians as much as possible, sometimes, I do feel like expressing my stand about what is happening in India.

Recently in a leading national daily I read about Rahul's take on BJP and its India shining slogan.  Here is a gist of what was said by him in a rally in UP.

"In 2004 (during the general elections) the opposition had launched 'India shining' campaign...They can give this slogan as their leaders do not visit your houses, don't eat food with you, drink dirty water of your wells...they can say India is shining. It is shining in their houses and air-conditioned cars but not in villages. India will shine only when no poor person is left in the country. Go to the poor, under privileged and others. Reach out to them. Hold their hands and get to know their problems. Then fight for them. Only if poor people get good quality of life, then the country can progress"


Rahul had been to a lot of villages in the North and a few villages down South in the past and he still continues to do the same. He has talked to a lot of people from financially poor background. There's been a lot of photographs running around in the internet in which Rahul is shown helping poor people or talking to them! Good. He seems to be doing something for the poor citizens of this country when it seems that the rest of India's politicians are only gobbling up money and/or running into and out of jail for various reported crimes! Here are few photographs to support my above words.

I was not the photographer of the above photographs and also I can assure you that I haven't edited any of them either. These photographs are all available if one does a google image search.

Yes, I accept Rahul Gandhi has eaten food provided by a poor farmer. Yes he has carried some stones on his shoulders along with a woman helping her in doing something (probably construction of a building or a road or something else). Yes he has interacted with children, men and women from various sects of the society. But he hasn't done any of these for long and hard. Not even for a complete day. In that case how can he ask the rest of the politicians (or people of India) to go and reach the poor people and uplift them. Rahul has not improved the situation of a single person by visiting him in his village or by helping him in the farm. Has Rahul ever donated his blood to a person who has met with an accident? Has he ever given his shoes/shirts/pants/watches to anybody in need of it? Has Rahul ever taken any poor children along with him in his costly car for a drive around the city? Has he taken the responsibility of educating the poor people against the ill effects of drinking and smoking? Has he taken the responsibility of making children attend school and become literate? If he hasn't practiced any of these then why does he preach? India doesn't want somebody who only preaches, we have enough of them. We want people who practice good things and show the result of their good actions.

I am not denying the fact Rahul had mentioned in the UP rally recently. But stating facts do not get rid of the problems a poor man is facing on a daily basis. In fact, though not to boast, I can give a lot of examples from my own life wherein I have gone out and helped quite a few people on a regular basis. No single person has enough strength to change the world. Lord Buddha, Lord Krishna, Sai Baba, Mahatma Gandhiji, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and many more great people could not convert all the bad people of their time to good or reverse the fate of an unfortunate soul. So how can I, you or anybody else claim to get rid of the problems of the country and its countrymen by just talking to a man or eating with him or sharing his problems for a day or two?

Of-course India shining slogan doesn't take into account the state of mind of each and every person in this country. But, according to me, it gives this hope of finding something positive for each and every person who gets touched by the slogan and the advertisements carrying the information. Life isn't always a bed of roses. Not for Indians, not for Americans, not for English, not for anybody else in the entire world. But then a ray of light called hope is what helps a lot during the bad/worst days of life. If I, an ordinary citizen of India, can see positiveness in the India Shining slogan why can't Rahul Gandhi see the same? Why does he, instead of building the nation by bringing people together, is sending wrong messages across the country by making illogical and blunt statements about another political party, system or any other person. Being an asshole is easy but being postive and looking at brighter things in life is difficult!

A famous saying goes something like this - Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. According to me, neither Rahul Gandhi nor anybody else with good intentions should go around spreading negative messages about others or even think or ask others about giving up their fortune to the upliftment of anybody else. Instead they should focus on teaching people how to survive the worst of times and come out in flying colours.

Disclaimer: Here are a few advertisements I could get by doing a search in Youtube for "India Shining". These videos may not be the videos created by BJP political party. I do not own these videos and hence please pardon me if in case you are unable to view them due to various reasons like unavailability in your country or removal of the video by the original owner.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bah!! Love is really strange :)

In my first blog post I had mentioned that I had fallen in love and that the life had become difficult in its own way for me after the love had happened to me... I still haven't yet told the girl that I love her nor have I told anybody else that I am in love... and hence my current situation is as good or as bad as it was when I had written the first blog post more than a year back!

In these past few months (to be read as months from the time I wrote my first blog post to till now), I have seen a lot of changes in me... a lot of changes have happened in the world around me that has truly affected me... like for example... job change, purchase of a plot of land for the construction of our dream home, etc. And then my love had also changed, it had waned actually... I had started liking another girl who works in the same office... but then one day there was this flash of light in front me... a kind of sudden realization that I was doing wrong and the only lady other than my mother I am in love with was my original girl and not the new one!!

I am still trying to tell my girl about my love. The problem is whenever I am with her, my tongue automatically gets tied and I am unable to tell her my feelings. The same thing happened last weekend. I had taken her to a movie. And while returning home after the movie, I tried so many times to tell her my feelings. But each time I opened my mouth to tell her that, the words didn't come out! I used to talk to her about something completely different from what I had intended to tell her. But one major achievement is that when she was about to get down from the car, I told her that I have to tell her something. She did ask me what it was and told me to tell her. But then I went completely blank! I didn't know what to tell her! At last I managed to tell her that I shall tell her on some other day and just drove as fast as I could from her place! So much for all the love I have for her!!! :(

Though I am scared that she might not acknowledge my love for her, somewhere deep within my heart/mind I am quite sure that she too likes me, she too loves me. But how do I find out that I am correct? How do I find out that she loves me or at least she likes me more than a friend?

Bah! Love is really strange! I had never realized how a simple love for a girl could affect a man. I wonder how the girls who had proposed me in the past had ever dared to do what I am trying to do now? Are girls(women) really braver and stronger in taking rejections in their stride than boys(men)?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Joke of the day

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason. :)

Guess another joke for the day wouldn't be so much, so here it goes!!

What would be the name of Manmohan Singh's autobiography?
3(G)  Mistakes of My Life - CWG, 2G, SoniaG

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Joke of the day

Reason for India losing all the test matches played in England this year:

Team India shall NOT win any of the matches till JanLokpal bill is implemented by the Govt. of India. :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

IAC- Bangalore techies support Jan Lokpal bill

This is an email forward I had received from a friend. Please do go through the content and support the cause.

Please forward to all techies.... Support IAC

All Techies from various organizations would walk from KR circle to Freedom park to join the Anna Hazare's movement for Strong Jan Lokpal bill. The details are as bellow.

Date: 20 Aug 2011 Saturday

Time: 10.00 Am

From KR circle – Refer to the map attached

To – Freedom Park where Jan Lokpal movement is going on under leadership of Mr Santhosh Hegde.

Participants: Bangalore Techies – Others are also most welcome

Purpose : To support Anna Hazare's movement for strong Jan Lokpal to curb the corrupt officials and corrupt politicians .

Other details: The police permission has been obtained for 5000 people. We would show case techies support for Anna Hazare movement to disprove the common public opinion that techies generally don't come to the road to fight for the justice as they generally adjust with the problem.

How Jan Lokpal Bill Can Curb the Corrupt Officials & Corrupt Politicians
Existing System 
System Proposed by civil society 
No politician or senior officer ever goes to jail despite huge evidence because Anti Corruption Branch (ACB) and CBI directly come under the government. Before starting investigation or initiating prosecution in any case, they have to take permission from the same bosses, against whom the case has to be investigated.
Lokpal at centre and Lokayukta at state level will be independent bodies. ACB and CBI will be merged into these bodies. They will have power to initiate investigations and prosecution against any officer or politician without needing anyone's permission. Investigation should be completed within 1 year and trial to get over in next 1 year. Within two years, the corrupt should go to jail. 
No corrupt officer is dismissed from the job because Central Vigilance Commission, which is supposed to dismiss corrupt officers, is only an advisory body. Whenever it advises government to dismiss any senior corrupt officer, its advice is never implemented.
Lokpal and Lokayukta will have complete powers to order dismissal of a corrupt officer. CVC and all departmental vigilance will be merged into Lokpal and state vigilance will be merged into Lokayukta. 
No action is taken against corrupt judges because permission is required from the Chief Justice of India to even register an FIR against corrupt judges.
Lokpal & Lokayukta shall have powers to investigate and prosecute any judge without needing anyone's permission.
Nowhere to go - People expose corruption but no action is taken on their complaints.
Lokpal & Lokayukta will have to enquire into and hear every complaint. 
There is so much corruption within CBI and vigilance departments. Their functioning is so secret that it encourages corruption within these agencies  
All investigations in Lokpal & Lokayukta shall be transparent. After completion of investigation, all case records shall be open to public.  Complaint against any staff of Lokpal & Lokayukta shall be inquired and punishment announced within two months.
Weak and corrupt people are appointed as heads of anti-corruption agencies.
Politicians will have absolutely no say in selections of Chairperson and members of Lokpal & Lokayukta. Selections will take place through a transparent and public participatory process.
Citizens face harassment in government offices. Sometimes they are forced to pay bribes. One can only complaint to senior officers. No action is taken on complaints because senior officers also get their cut.
Lokpal & Lokayukta will get public grievances resolved in time bound manner, impose a penalty of Rs 250 per day of delay to be deducted from the salary of guilty officer and award that amount as compensation to the aggrieved citizen. 
Nothing in law to recover ill gotten wealth. A corrupt person can come out of jail and enjoy that money.
Loss caused to the government due to corruption will be recovered from all accused.
Small punishment for corruption- Punishment for corruption is minimum 6 months and maximum 7 years.
Enhanced punishment - The punishment would be minimum 5 years and maximum of life imprisonment.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Arthur Ashe - a true inspiration

Sometimes in life words told by a complete stranger can change our life and our perception towards it drastically... Many a words/speeches from many a great men and women who had lived on this earth have left their mark in my mind forever and one such highly motivating words were from Arthur Ashe.

Arthur Ashe
Arthur Ashe was born in the year 1943. He was a professional tennis player who had won 3 Grand-slam titles. He was considered one of the best American tennis players of his time. He had also served in the US Army for a while during the period  1966-68. Arthur passed away in the year 1993.

Arthur's life was filled with many tragic incidents starting from the loss of his mother at an early age to undergoing multiple heart surgeries and to end it all he had also contracted the deadly HIV during one of the many blood transfusions he had had for the heart surgeries. From what I have read and understood about Arthur, I can only say that he was a thorough gentleman and he continues to inspire people around the world.

Here is an excerpt of his answer to the question one might ask on a death bed - "Why ME, God?". Though some of them say that these words were told by Arthur to a question by a journalist, others opine that it was Arthur's answer to his fans' concerns. At this moment I am not really sure of the situation or to whom the below words were told, nevertheless they are truly remarkable and inspiring. Read it to get inspired.
All over the world some million teenagers aspire to become tennis players. Out of these million may be a hundred thousand reach to some sort of proficiency. Of them only a few thousand play in some circuit and only a hundred or so play the grand slam. Finally only two reach the final of Wimbledon. When I was standing with the trophy of Wimbledon in my hand I never questioned God “Why Me?” And now what right do I have to ask God “Why Me?
What is there in this speech that inspires me? The simplistic attitude towards life and accepting it the way it had come without complicating and without asking why we are the way we are. That is what inspires me a lot.

Before readin' this I'd asked myself the same question so many times... Whenever I'd come second in a running race, whenever I'd lost near and dear ones, whenever I'd missed an opportunity to win something, whenever I was at the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong reason, whenever I was sad for reasons unknown to me, I had asked God, Why Me? But after reading these words from Arthur, I'll never question my fate. I am happy and thankful for what I am.

I hope the words of Arthur Ashe and this little article inspire more number of people to accept the life the way it is and stay happy rather than worrying and feeling sad about it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fwd: " A battle we must not lose " - Pritish Nandy

From: India Against Corruption <no-reply@causesmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 1:26 AM
Subject: " A battle we must not lose " - Pritish Nandy


Bulletin from the cause: India Against Corruption

Go to Cause
Posted By: Gitesh Devhane
To: Members in India Against Corruption

" A battle we must not lose " - Pritish Nandy

Forget Anna Hazare. The Jan Lokpal movement can go to hell for all I care. Let us just look at the issues over which the battle between the Government and us citizens is being fought. And then let's decide where we want to stand, each one of us, on the issue of corruption.

The first question is: Do corruption and bribery hurt you? If they do, do you want a solution? If your answer is yes to both, do you think such a solution lies with an independent authority? Or do you think a corrupt Government can fight corruption on its own, and within its own ranks? If your answer is no to that, then we need to create an independent institution to fight corruption. Right? Well, that's precisely what Anna is asking for. He is asking for a Lokpal that the Government cannot influence nor manipulate. This is the first battle.

The second battle is over four things. One: Should the Prime Minister come under the purview of the Lokpal? Almost everyone I know thinks he should. A honest Prime Minister wouldn't care. A dishonest one must be supervised. Or else, we will have cases like Bofors that will never ever be resolved. Two: Should Members of Parliament come under the Lokpal? I have not met a single person till date who thinks that our MPs are so honest that they need not be supervised. My guess is if a referendum is ever taken, Anna will get a 100% yes to this question, given what people think of our politicians and the standards of probity in public life. The third question is even more obvious: Do all public servants need to come under the Lokpal? My guess is India's answer will be yes, yes, yes. Every day, in every area of our life and work, we are constantly harassed, intimidated and extorted by corrupt Government officers. The poorer you are, the worse is the torture. So yes, every public servant, every Government officer must come under the Lokpal. Question four: Who should give permission to file an FIR against a corrupt judge? If the Lokpal can look into corruption charges against the PM, the MPs and Government servants, isn't it only logical to expect it to do the same against judges?

The third and final battle is over an even simpler thing: The Citizen's Charter. Should every Government office have such a Charter which will clearly state which officer will do what work and in how much time? And should an officer who refuses to do his work in time or asks for a bribe to move a file be punished? The Government says a charter a fine but Government servants must not be penalised if they don't do their work! Anna believes that officers not doing their work in time amounts to corruption and must face the same treatment. Isn't it rather obvious what India thinks about this?

Do we really need a referendum on these simple, basic issues? I seriously doubt it. Every Indian will endorse the idea of a Lokpal as Anna and his team have envisioned it, with the help of thousands of Indians who have contributed online to the process of drafting the bill.

Yes, there are genuine fears that we should not create yet another monster out there, who will make life more difficult for us than it already is. But even that has been addressed rather adroitly by Anna's team. It is a complex process, true but it also ensures that the choice is wisely made. And what if there are charges against the Lokpal? Well, there's a provision there too. You can go straight to the Supreme Court and seek justice out there.

So why are we arguing so much over this Bill? Why is the Government digging its heels in and refusing to listen to us citizens? Why must Anna go on a hunger strike all over again to press home the point that corruption must be fought back? I guess it's a question of both ego and fear. No one likes to give up the power they have, and certainly not the Government. In fact, it's always trying to interfere more and more in our lives, grab more and more authority, more and more space. And fear? Well, I guess we all know the answer to that. This is possibly the most corrupt Government we have ever had. It has good reason to be scared.


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What an as****e!!!

What an asshole should this Manish Tiwari be to not only make defamatory attack on Anna Hazare but also make stupid comment about Anna's supporters and people of India who are against corruption. To clean his and his party workers' shit, Manish Tiwari is using the people of democratic India as his toilet paper.

Read this in today's edition of TOI: "Congress spokesman Manish Tiwari’s defamatory attack on Anna. He said the Gandhian was corrupt from tip to toe, and said his followers were “armchair fascists, overground Maoists, closet anarchists” funded by “invisible donors”. The unrestrained attack on respected citizens made people angrier"

I feel this Manish Tiwari should take a lesson or two in political science to understand who are actually Fascists, Maoists or Anarchists before making such derogatory comments against the people of India.

I hope "Tiwari goes to Tihar Jail forever" becomes the next hot news!! :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bad broadband services in India

I have been using BSNL DataOne broadband service from past 5-6 years. Though the connectivity and the promised speed is up to the mark, once the problem starts there is no end to it. I have had my own set of problems with BSNL in the year 2009, 2010 and now in the year 2011. 

In the year 2009, I didn't have the internet connection for a complete 3 months, though the phone service was still available. The line man and the in-charge officer kept making me go here and there for nearly 3 months before changing a single cable from the telephone pole coming into the house connecting the telephone instrument which solved the broadband problem. That was not all, I was also forced to buy a new modem because both the line man and the in-charge officer told me that the problem was with the modem for which I spent an extra Rs. 1000. A wise one might ask why I didn't change the operator when I had problem for 3 long months. The reason is simple. I didn't have an option. I was, at that time, was staying in a central government quarters and no other operators except BSNL may operate there!! Anyway the drama ended after 10-11 manual/telephone complaints, 5 emails sent to higher officials, 1 written complaint and couple of fights.

The second set of problems started in the year 2010 when I shifted my house from North Bangalore to South Bangalore. I didn't have the internet as well as phone connection from BSNL for a total 7 months. The reason for not giving the connection was simple though silly - BSNL was running short of telephone cables. Of course I was not charged for the connection during the time but imagine amount of trouble I was in. I was again left with no option but to go for a costlier yet slower connection from Tata WiMax. The service from Tata wasn't good. Though I used to get the promised speed, hardly did the internet stay connected for a long time. Whenever the internet got disconnected, I'd to either wait for hours to get the connection back or call up the customer care to reset the connection. I'd also bought a static IP since I was told that the above mentioned problem could get solved by the use of a static IP!!! Nah... that didn't help either. So at last when the BSNL connection was provided at the end of 7th month after my shift to Bangalore South, I switched back to DataOne. Though there were intermittent disconnection due to various reasons I was quite happy with the connection and the download/upload speed of the DataOne connection till 2 months back when the problem resurfaced.

The 3rd set of problems with BSNL started on one of those fateful days in the month of May when there was heavy rainfall in Bangalore. For a day phone went dead, but came back alive on the 2nd day. The DataOne connection which stopped working then, still doesn't. For a few days the problem was complete disconnection. And now the problem is that the connection exists only during day-time and in the evening and in the night, the internet doesn't work!! I guess I need not have to re-explain all the problems that comes with the disconnection - n number of complaints, cost incurred to travel/complain for the DataOne problem correction!!

I did some basic research on the next best available WiFi broadband connection since along with my computer I'd also wanted the connection to be available in parallel to 3-4 smart phones and a laptop. So I ended up with the Tata Photon WiFi which promised a download speed of up to 3.1MBPS and upload speed up to 1MBPS. When I test the speed for the Tata Photon WiFi on speedtest.net, it shows download speed anywhere between 0.5MBPS to 1.2MBPS and upload speed anywhere between 0.2MBPS to 0.4MBPS. So much for having paid Rs. 6400.00/- for the WiFi modem and monthly rental of Rs. 1500.00/-. And yesterday when I called up the Tata Photon Customer Care I came to know that the CC agents are not even well versed with the technology. One of the Tata Photon CC guys who spoke with me asked me to re-install all the modem drivers and then check for the connection even after telling him a couple of times that I am connecting to the internet through LAN!

Well, many of my friends have always praised Airtel broadband connection for their customer support and almost 100% uptime. But call it bad luck or whatever, wherever I go Airtel doesn't follow me! :( I haven't tried Reliance since it has a mixed feelings about it from the group of friends of mine who are using it.

The conclusion is that the customers (aam aadmi or the Mango People) are always taken for a ride by these big companies. For this reason and only this reason I wish I was in some developed country to enjoy the full broadband speed!!! Alas!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Browser usage - Chrome and IE

It is nearly 3 years since Chrome the web browser from Google was launched and my experience with it has always been excellent. Though IE has been predominantly used at office for intranet sites, I mainly use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for browsing the net. I especially use Firefox if I need to download anything!

I have the habit of checking the "Audience" of my sites - the country from which majority of people are browsing my articles and what OS & browsers they use. Till recently it was IE that was the leader. Around 60% of the viewers of my site used to use IE, a little around 20% used to use Firefox and the rest other browsers. Today I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that the majority of my site users are using Chrome. For a minute I couldn't believe it. The reason being that just a few weeks back it was IE which was the dominant browser and from nowhere has Chrome taken up a major chunk of IE users.

Check the below data from Google stats available for my blog.

Pageviews by Browsers
585 (32%)
Internet Explorer
546 (30%)
512 (28%)
88 (4%)
46 (2%)
7 (<1%)
Jakarta Commons-HttpClient
6 (<1%)
Mobile Safari
5 (<1%)
4 (<1%)
3 (<1%)

I guess Google's advertisement for Chrome has really helped in increasing the market share. Here is the advertisement for Chrome which is aired in India.

Though Chrome and Firefox are closely competing with IE, Microsoft Windows operating systems are still ruling the world!!

Pageviews by Operating Systems
1,595 (89%)
80 (4%)
45 (2%)
Other Unix
34 (1%)
7 (<1%)
4 (<1%)
4 (<1%)
3 (<1%)
3 (<1%)
2 (<1%)

So I opine that in coming months Chrome shall surely overtake all the other browsers by a major percentage of users going for it. But IE or no IE, Microsoft Windows surely rules the OS world -as of now!!!

Update: Here is an article published at ZDNet - "Chrome takes bite out of IE's share" and "Chrome rises at IE's expense; iPad makes a showing".