Monday, July 19, 2010

The longest wait... is at last over and out....

He he.. ha ha... the longest wait of my life is at last over... All the employees in my company got the hike letters last week.... almost all of them have got a decent hike... though many aren't satisfied... b'coz, the hike percentage we have received is not equal to the almost two years of waiting we all had done!

How about me? Am I satisfied? You can bet... I am satisfied... about the hike and also kinda satisfied because the hike letter is in my email box at last... and now I have to take my decision whether to quit or not... I have told quite a lot of them that within a few more months I'd be gone out of my current company.... I'd like to wait until end of August so that I can finish my 1st semester MS exams... Damn I have lots to do in these remaining few weeks before my exams... But yeah I am satisfied... I may not accept it in front of others.. but somewhere I have that satisfaction... of earning on par with the others in the same industry...

Many have asked me why I took MS alternate to any other degree programs like MBA...I'd tried at MBA exams sometime back... and had failed miserably... I am not MBA type... I am more of a techy guy interested

to get into the details of how something works rather than always working with some technology developed by somebody which I don't understand completely but suggest others to use the same just because it has some fancy name... This MS degree has been a dream for me for a long time... had applied for the same around 4 years back.. but wasn't selected back then... and the next consecutive 4 years had gone in deciding whether to take up MS or not.... and during my recent trip.. I just decided that I have to go for this degree program... not just because I can put my name as Mr. VersatileV2 (BE, MS), like most of the middle class Indians would put their names, on the name board, but also it would give me a satisfaction... and also it is the first step to continue my career in teaching and R&D field... would really want to pursue PhD later on... so isn't MS really necessary for the same???

Anyway... the MS is a 2 year degree program and it would surely take same amount of time for me to complete the course if not lesser!!! Since change is the only thing that is constant I have to look out for the changes that may happen in life to lead in the right way... so will surely wait for all the exiting things that are laid out for me....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Words of wisdom

I donno why... but today I am in an eclectic mood... to read the best to know the best and to do the best...

I was going through some best speeches in the world...and to start with here is one of them from my India's ex-President Shri Abdul Kalam.

When there is Righteousness in the Heart

There is Beauty in the Character

When there is Beauty in the Character
There is Harmony in the Hope

When there is Harmony in the Hope
There is Order in the Nation

When there is Order in the Nation
There is Peace in the World

So true are his words... What it means is simple.. yet difficult to achieve....

We all have our own principles... or what are understood as moral principles which either makes do somethings in a way or not do a thing in another way... for a vegetarian his moral principle says that killing of animals is bad and hence it is bad.. and for a religious Guru, praying to the God daily is something without which life cannot exist.... In whatever forms it might be, we all live and let others live because of our moral principles...

What our Abdul Kalam says here is that a strict adherence to the right morale, brings about a series of actions starting from beauty in ones own character to the hope of bringing order to an otherwise confused nation and in turn brings peace to the humanity.

Hope everybody in this country understands the true meaning of these words of wisdom and move ahead to make India the best country in the world it was in the past.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The longest wait...

I am not sure.. if waiting for a girl/boy friend is the longest wait or awaiting for the arrival of a new life is the longest one... but for me at the moment waiting for the hike letter seems to be the longest wait...

Its been more than 2 years since I have received a hike at my current office... My last pay hike was in the year 2008 and after that I haven't even heard of a rumour about me or anybody else' in the office getting a hike. For those who have lost their job, this might seem absurd, but for me this is the moment.... I will be completing 5 years at my current office.. and wouldn't want to stay longer here with the same wage... Even after putting a lot of effort in the past one and a half years, I have't been given a good rating.. and now if I don't get a good hike.. it would mean... end of the contract with the employer... I may not be the best... but I am almost better than the most found in my office... and am also sure that with a little more effort I can beat many others in the rat race to a higher salary.

For many it might seem why am I so interested in getting higher salary and also they might wonder about my current income... Let me say something if you have got such an idea... I am not the kind of a person who is after money... What I am trying to do now... is really difficult for me... it is making me go against my wishes... but at the moment I need money... and a wish/desire to earn more is not a crime according to me.... Moreover after a few years, my plan is to get out of this rat race to make money and instead get into my all time favourite career - teaching and research and development in the computer science field.

This week I shall know what would be that magical figure of my hike that would make me either stay for a little longer or move in search of greener pastures.

I am a bloody optimist.. and I wouldn't blame anybody if I don't get a good hike... after all I have been thinking of changing the employer for a long time now... and if it is possible in a way or the other... let it happen... I shall happily receive it.

With the market looking positive, getting a good hike with a jump isn't difficult... but that is only an alternative... my first love is my current employer... and if I can be satisfied with the amount of hike I might get..  I shall be happy to stay for a few more months... otherwise it will be a ta-ta goodbye to the current company and hi hello to the new one. :)

Shall soon update about the same....

Signing for the site...

Oh boy.... the elders in Karnataka have rightly said... "mane kaTTi noDu; maduve maaDi noDu" which means "Try building a home; Try conducting a wedding ceremony" It isn't easy doing either of them... And with regards to marriage... even after it is done... the difficulties don't go away :D

Continuing from the previous article, the deal to buy the site in Bangalore is almost finalized.. we have already applied for a loan at the State Bank of Mysore.. and now awaiting for their investigation to finish at the earliest so that the loan get sanctioned and we pay the current site owner and make the site to our own... Of-course this event triggers another event...of planning for the house and building our home...

Initially the problem was with the arranging of the documents to submit to the lawyer and to the bank.. and now after submitting... we are awaiting for a favourable response from the bank... If the bank doesn't allot the loan, God forbid, if at all it happens then we will not only miss an opportunity to buy the site at the currently accepted site value but also we lose extra 20,000.00/- Rs as fine for not accepting the deal. Hoping for the best at the moment...

Shall update when the deal is done.. and we start our dream to build a home again... :)