Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Signing for the site...

Oh boy.... the elders in Karnataka have rightly said... "mane kaTTi noDu; maduve maaDi noDu" which means "Try building a home; Try conducting a wedding ceremony" It isn't easy doing either of them... And with regards to marriage... even after it is done... the difficulties don't go away :D

Continuing from the previous article, the deal to buy the site in Bangalore is almost finalized.. we have already applied for a loan at the State Bank of Mysore.. and now awaiting for their investigation to finish at the earliest so that the loan get sanctioned and we pay the current site owner and make the site to our own... Of-course this event triggers another event...of planning for the house and building our home...

Initially the problem was with the arranging of the documents to submit to the lawyer and to the bank.. and now after submitting... we are awaiting for a favourable response from the bank... If the bank doesn't allot the loan, God forbid, if at all it happens then we will not only miss an opportunity to buy the site at the currently accepted site value but also we lose extra 20,000.00/- Rs as fine for not accepting the deal. Hoping for the best at the moment...

Shall update when the deal is done.. and we start our dream to build a home again... :)

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