Sunday, October 17, 2010

One thing leads to another

Today I was testing the all new search engine... which returns the results when you are still typing your search words.... Wow it is great... faster than ever... and I love google even more than the past... :)

When I was contemplating about the new change in my favourite website.... I, by chance, hit these words in the search area "who hates" trying to find out "who hates self" or actually try to find out "why one hates self"... the search engine.... predicted my search query and showed me the following hints in the same order...
  1. who hates indians
  2. who hates justin bieber
  3. who hates harry potter
  4. who hates selena gomez
  5. who hates obama
At first I tried to avoid the first hint and completely avoided the rest... and typed "me"... lucky me... I couldn't find any websites... which had photos of me... or couldn't find a single resource on the net which had mentioned my name and had blogged about hating me... (even though there is quite a chance to find people around me who hate me... :-) )

The search results for "who hates me" wasn't satisfactory... so I decided to select the "who hates indians" and search for results...

The results were quite intriguing... and made me go though a couple of them for almost 2 hours... (that is quite a lot of time for me to spend-on esp. when I have my exams in another one week and I am not yet prepared for it)

I am not posting any results out here in my blog... if you want to read them... just google it out, yourself...

Anyway... initially my interest was to know what type of people (to be read as people from which continent, country) hated India more.... but as I kept reading blogs... and comments after comments....I did realize a lot of things about ourselves...

We Indians (I mean most of us)... always try to show a happy-go-lucky face... "Even though we see a dead donkey on our plate.... we are the type of people who look at the dead housefly on a neighbor's plate and comment about it...." This comment may make a few of you laugh and infuriate others... but on the other hand... I hate doing that myself... and hate it even more when I see others do it to somebody else. For e.g. My cousin's family is in a mess... still the woman of the family shows her smiling face to the outside world including to her own parents and in-laws who could help her in setting her family on track.... instead she talks about the neighbor's problems!!

The CWG (common wealth games) was a mess... everybody knows it... but then we dont talk about it... we don't ask the govt. to punish the people who were responsible for that... instead we avoid the topic as much as possible... and when somebody else (to be read as a foreigner) comments about it... we get angry and we feel insulted.... why so?

Of-course there are a lot of developmental activities going on in India, in Karnataka, in Bangalore... We are happy about all those... but that doesn't mean... we should avoid the bad that is happening to the country and let it continue forever... When I say bad... I don't mean the bad that has happened to the Indians in Australia and other countries (racial discrimination and physical attacks) or the terror attacks in Mumbai and rest of India but am talking about the internal problems... problems related to corruption, poverty, food, infrastructure, education, etc. etc. Like the elders say.. the biggest enemy of all is we ourself. We don't change... but we want others to change for us....

Many of us try to avoid problems thinking that it will go away one day... I myself had suggested the same to somebody on her blog when she had suggested that she is thinking of committing suicide!!! I'd said... "Try to solve your problems, ask others' help... if nothing works out... then close your eyes for a while... and let the problem go by the way it had come into your life..." Now I realize how wrong I was.... how could you let go of problems without solving it!!! How could you be even happy when you know you have problems in hand and just pretending that the problems don't exist!!! Some of them might be very lucky... the solution to the problem they are facing... may come from another person... but not all are lucky enough all the time... many a times we have to dig into the problems and go through bigger hell... at-last to come out of all the problems.... that is the irony of life....

I hate politics and politicians and hence I avoid talking about them, reading about them, discussing about them or even thinking about them.... this way I am not achieving anything... I know it... like Amir Khan said in one of his interviews.... When an interviewer asked Amir Khan about why he is commenting on politicians when he can't get into politics and correct the system... Amir replied "I am not made for politics and I can't do every kind of job on earth... but when I see that something is going wrong... I can raise my voice and/or inform somebody that they are wrong..." Well.. these aren't the exact words which were out of Amir's mouth... but this is exactly what he meant. :) This interview was actually published in The TOI.

And now coming back to the title of this article... one might have wondered... why on earth did I chose to call my article "One thing leads to another"... The reason is pretty simple... I didn't end up in the thing I started with... I started with appreciating google... but ended up thinking about the problems faced by the people generally in India and particularly in Bangalore... I guess the title also explains in a way how my mind works... and how fast it changes its track...

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