Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why are people so insensitive?

Well this is a question to which I am trying to find an answer from a very long time but with hardly any luck...

As I have mentioned in one of the older blogs... I am already a little under-confident because of premature balding! But to add to this people around me make blatant comments about me losing hair and about how difficult it is to find the right girl in the future to get married to... Of course not all the people make fun of my balding head.. some of them are just concerned about me... but still they manage to hurt me and my feelings.

It is very painful for me to listen to these comments... how much ever I may try to neglect these people and their stupid yet obvious comments about my raising hair line, I can't at times control my emotions.. Whenever I am alone... I almost feel like crying.. but somehow control myself to not cry... to not feel bad... but there is a limit to all those things... I am after all just another human being...

One thing I can't understand is why people give so much importance to something that doesn't deserve it... Like hairs on a person's head is given more importance than what is inside it... A person's physical beauty is given more importance than his/her inner beauty. At times when I hear to a comment about my receding hair line, I'd want to ask them "If a woman's boobs size matters to them to have sex or the interest in having sex?". "Does a person's physical beauty decide anything about his/her intelligence?" The ultimate question is should a person's hairs, limbs, height, weight, colour decide about what exactly he/she is and the way he/she behaves to a particular situation?

The obvious answer is a big NO... but I know, people out there aren't listening to my questions... they aren't interested in it... None of these except the person him(her)self is more important to live on this earth... yet many don't see the bigger picture...

Of-course even I am giving it more importance... to hairs which are more like "Today In and Tomorrow Gone" and to the people who pass the comments.... I very well know that I can't stop people from saying what they want... I should now learn and adjust to the world which is blind, ignorant and stupid.

The only silver lining in all these is that... at least my close friends, my family isn't that bothered and make the same type of comments as others do. But somewhere in the corner of their hearts (or minds) they too are bothered about me... and my future... Hope to bring some +ve light to all those who care for me with my new found confidence and bravery in dealing with the other stupid lives on earth.

This blog post is dedicated to all those who silently suffer because of no mistake of theirs.

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